Trigger actions

The Show Control Module lets you use all trigger actions, except for some multidisplay actions. The Advanced License only features a restricted number of trigger actions which are marked accordingly further below. An additional license only allows very few triggers.

The trigger actions are arranged in alphabetical order in accordance with their category:




Control Panel


Live Video


Notes window

Render Engine




Wings Vioso RX


Some triggers start functions which may cause playback to be aborted and data to be lost unless you have previously saved them! Think carefully about the trigger actions you want to use.


These trigger actions are available from the Advanced Version.

The stereo outputs can be addressed by figures 1 to 12. Enter 0 for the output to affect the master control.



These trigger actions are also available with Pro and an Additional Licenses.

Control Panel


Live Player

Playback of videos and audio files can be controlled via the Live Players and the following functions. Please note that there are separate trigger actions for audio and video tracks:

Live Video

These trigger actions are also available with Pro and an Additional Licenses.


These trigger actions are also available with Pro and Additional Licenses .

They are used for changing the values of value variables based on time and target values. By linking up such variables with the alpha value of a track it can be faded in and out by executing a trigger.

For changes of variable values you need to specify at Parameters on the right which variable values need to be changed:

Further information can be found in topic Controlling track contents via triggers.


Both triggers Master Client and  Client Master are only meant for multidisplay experts. Upon their execution the servers are partly inaccessible via the Master. In such cases the triggers must be executed via Avio. These triggers must not be executed during the presentation!

For Target PCs you should choose the Display clients.

Notes window

These trigger actions are also available with Pro and an Additional Licenses.. They are used to control the display of text in notes windows. See also Displaying text in notes windows.

The text file is displayed when the file is found in the specified path.

The spare text file is displayed when the text file is not found in the specified path.

The spare text is displayed when neither text file nor spare text file are found in the specified path.

Depending on availability or non-availability of files, information can be presented in a highly differentiated way.


Category RenderEngine offers the following triggers:


The version allowing these trigger actions is specified for each of them.



Wings Vioso RX

These trigger actions require the Show Control Module or the specified version.

If the master PC supplies a display with contents, this display must be regarded as Monitor 1. Otherwise the wrong monitor freezes. See Display Properties.


See also

Creating a trigger

Enabling a trigger