This dialog is about settings to arrange displays and assign them to graphics outputs for multidisplay presentations. When you have created your project via the Wizard for Mixed Media Projects and have entered correct values for the displays, all settings should be as required. For differing requirements you will have to correct these values.
VIOSO calibration via camera ...must be enabled if you want to use a camera to calibrate displays and softedge masks. This function is only available in combination with a Wings VIOSO License.
If you want to stack several projectors and let Wings VIOSO do the alignment every display must have a Stacking index of 1 or higher. All displays or projectors showing the same aligned content must have identical stacking indexes. With an index of 0 stacking is disabled.
Left Bottom Width Height
Defines the resolution of displays or projectors used and their position on the screen. Values can be entered in percent (top) or in pixels (bottom) depending on which one you prefer. Pixel values always refer to the activated screen reference size. At Left and Bottom you define the amount by which the display is to be displaced to the left or to the bottom.
Size and location of the display define the image portion that is to become visible on the screen. It is "cut out" from the screen in accordance with the settings. You can have the location of the displays displayed on the screen. See Displaying multidisplay frames.
The resolution entered for a display in Wings Vioso RX must correspond to the native physical resolution of the display or projector. Otherwise scaling aretefacts in the form of pixelated edges appear or the image is distored.
If you enable Apply resolution you can enter a resolution that deviates from the display size (see above). The display data will be adjusted accordingly. This is an interesting feature for use of different types of displays. In this case, the display size refers only to the screen layout section while the resolution of media can be adjusted individually for the display.
Please note
that the deviating resolution currently cannot be considered for creation
of split videos.
This field is used specify which hardware is to be used for output of display contents.
For Display PC select the computer to supply this display. If no PCs are selectable, you need to add some in the Device Pool. See Adding a master/client PC.
Under Output you specify the graphics card output for output of display contents:
Display Out ... to be selected for all Wings Engines except RX; enter A, B, C or D for output.
Windows Monitor ... to be selected for Windows PCs. The graphics card outputs must be enabled as extended desktop in the Windows display manager or in the graphics card tool. This is also where you can find the definition of outputs 1, 2, 3 or 4.
3G-SDI ... only selectable for Wings RX.
See also
Transferring position and size of displays to screen and text fields