Displaying text in notes windows

Information from note objects can be displayed in up to four notes windows. This way, messages and keywords for live comments can be displayed statically in a window during the show.

Placing text in notes objects

    1. Right-click a universal track and select Insert notes.... See also Adding tracks.

    2. Enter the required information in field Text and check format Bold or Italic, if applicable.

    3. Place a checkmark next to Display in notes window. If you want to use more than one notes window you need to enter the corresponding notes windows number (1 .... 4).  An additional checkmark next to option Keep display after object end provides for the text to be displayed in the notes windows until some new text overwrites the old one.

    4. Click OK. The same way, add further notes objects. The notes objects in the universal track can be moved in time and their length or duration be changed.

    Enable the required number of notes windows as explained further below.

    Enabling notes windows

      1. In the toolbar click Options and select Project OptionsNotes windows 1...4. If the required entries are not visible, click on the plus sign.

      2. Place a checkmark next to Display during playback / presentation.

      3. Choose the appropriate Font for the text in the notes window and enter the Font height in pixels.

      Note: If you want to present a project or an EXE presentation on another computer the fonts used in the show must be available on this computer. Otherwise substitute fonts are used automatically. It is useful to use standard Windows fonts, such as Arial or Times New Roman.

      1. Select colors for fonts and background by clicking on the fields next to Text color and Background color. Details on color selection

      2. If applicable, enable other notes windows likewise and close the Options dialog by clicking OK.

      Basic configuration of notes windows has now been completed and you can start playback in order to display the notes in the windows.

      Displaying and positioning notes windows

        1. When playback is started, the notes window is displayed. When the Locator moves across the corresponding notes object, the text becomes visible.

        2. Now define size and location of the notes window. Start playback, followed by pressing the space bar to activate Pause Mode.

        3. You can now grab the notes window in the title bar and drag it as is common in Windows.  The size can be adjusted by dragging at the edges. Following these adjustments you can terminate Pause Mode at any time by hitting the Esc key. When you restart playback the notes windows are displayed at the corresponding size and location.

        See also

        Exporting notes objects into a text file

        Displaying title and text in a show

        Displaying date, time and time code on the screen