These functions are only available with an Advanced License or up. See Licenses and functions.
You can use position markers to control playback or locate within a timeline, i.e. jump to certain locations. Jumping relative to the Locator, to the previous or next marker is also possible. To do so you set position markers and create triggers performing the corresponding actions.
Right-click a marker track and select Insert position marker. As an alternative, you can also press the M key. Unless you have already created a marker track in your project, do so now. See Inserting tracks. Place further position markers likewise to the required location.
Highlight all position markers to be used for remote control purposes. See also Marking objects.
Right-click a highlighted position marker and select Assign remote index. Following this an unused remote index is assigned which is then displayed in the info line. Note: If necessary, the remote index can be changed at any time in the marker properties.
Now create a trigger. In the Media Pool click category Trigger. Right-click some free space in the right Media Pool section and select Add trigger.
In category Timeline select one of the following actions:
Start presentation ...starts the presentation in fullscreen mode.
Start presentation (Pause) before, but changes to pause mode immediately.
Play ...starts playback of the specified timeline.
To position ...causes the Locator to jump to the specified position marker.
At Parameter you can optionally enter a timeline remote index next to Timeline. At a value of zero the trigger action always refers to the current timeline. Note: For the required target timeline the remote index must be specified in the Timeline Properties. This is the only way for the Timeline to be addressed correctly.
Moreover, you also need to define the corresponding Marker Mode:
Specified marker ...jumps to the position marker with the specified remote index. This is an absolute position.
Previous marker ...takes the next position marker to the left of the Locator. This is a relative position.
Next marker ...takes the next position marker to the right of the Locator. This, too, is a relative position.
If you want to start the trigger action by pressing a function key, you can now assign a function key to the trigger. Finish by clicking on OK.
To start the trigger action, right-click the trigger in the Media Pool and select Execute now. There are some more ways of starting triggers, e.g. via control panel fields. See Executing a trigger.
To allow jumping to relative positions, the Expand/Compress setting must be zero. Just press the X key on the numeric keypad (multiplication).
Any pause markers contained in a presentation to pause playback may be used as jump destination. See Jumping to pause markers.
In Editing Mode it is now possible to jump to any markers in the timeline by holding Shift + Ctrl and hitting the curser keys or
. By highlighting marker tracks the number of markers selectable as targets can be limited.
In Playback or Pause Mode you can jump to any other location within the current timeline. After right-clicking the screen a Navigation Bar appears which represents the current Locator position. Clicking the corresponding area in the bar makes the Locator jump to that location. Clicking the screen above the bar makes it disappear (at the next slide change at the latest).
See also