Executing a trigger

These functions require the Advanced License as a minimum, and sometimes even higher versions. See Licenses and functions.

Trigger actions can be executed in a variety of different ways:

Some triggers start functions which may cause playback to be aborted and data to be lost unless you have previously saved them! Think carefully about the trigger actions you want to use.

Executing triggers with function keys

If you want execute a trigger by pressing a key, you proceed as follows:

    1. In the Media Pool, click category Trigger following which the triggers are displayed on the right.

    2. Right-click the corresponding trigger and select Properties. Unless a trigger has already been created, do so now. See also Creating a trigger.

    3. For F key, enter a number from 1...12, depending on the function key (F1 to F12) to be used for executing the trigger, followed by clicking on OK.

    4. You can start the trigger action directly by pressing the corresponding function key while holding the Shift key. If the same function key is specified for several triggers, these triggers will be executed at the same time.

    5. During playback or on Pause Mode additional pressing of the Shift key is not required; this clearly simplifies operation during a presentation.


    Executing triggers via objects on the screen

    This function is available from the Pro License and up. See also Licenses and functions.

    Triggers can also be executed via screen objects, i.e. a picture or a video that is clicked on the screen or on the touch screen. It is totally irrelevant whether the picture has the shape of a button or just shows a landscape. As pictures, videos and other visual objects are displayed on the screen in dependence on time the buttons can be modified and changed temporarily, allowing for interesting interaction between show and visitors.

      1. In the timeline, arrange the visual objects which are to serve as buttons for the triggers. They should be displayed on the screen in the desired order.

      2. In the Media Pool, click category Trigger and create the trigger with the corresponding actions. See Creating triggers.

      3. Now drag and drop the trigger onto the prepared object in the timeline and the trigger denomination will be displayed in the info line.

      4. For the mouse cursor to be visible in Fullscreen Mode, you need to enable the pointer. In the Screen Pool right-click the screen used and select Properties.

      5. Under Fullscreen settings place a checkmark next to Display mouse cursor and close the dialog by clicking on OK.

      6. After starting the presentation, by pressing F5, for example, you can execute the linked trigger by clicking the object when it appears on the screen.