For remote-controlling Wings Vioso RX a variety of different protocols can be used which can be selected in the Properties Dialog of the remote control port. This topic provides information on the protocol used for our EventPlayer software. The functions have been configured so as to achieve high compatibility with existing installations or devices, such as keypads, etc.
If you want to use Wings Vioso RX or an SC Master unit to control a presentation computer, the remote control commands can comfortably by programmed by means of a driver. Available drivers can be found by clicking Extras in the main menu - Open folder
Drivers. If there is no suitable driver available there, please get in touch. See also Using drivers for serial control.
For remote control of Wings Vioso RX you can use a serial port or a network via TCP/IP. First of all, however, you need to Create a remote control port in the device control system using the EventPlayer protocol. The command syntax is as follows:
Start byte | Number of message bytes | Function | Parameters | End byte
The following functions can be performed using the commands (Hex) listed below. Important: For all the commands list in this topic every byte is marked by 0x for hexadecimal code. If you want to use the command for other applications than Wings Vioso RX you may need to modify the commands and leave out 0x. The mere hex code for the Play command is therefore FF 01 05 FE.
Play (current timeline from 0:00 s) 0xFF 0x01 0x05 0xFE
Pause 0xFF 0x01 0x03 0xFE
Continue 0xFF 0x01 0x07 0xFE
Stop 0xFF 0x01 0x02 0xFE
Esc 0xFF 0x01 0x02 0xFE
Terminate Presentation Mode 0xFF 0x01 0x01 0xFE
The following commands can optionally be addressed to timelines (XX) and position markers (YY). If no remote indexes have been specified, the Locator jumps to 0:00 s. If you want to start playback from the current locator position you enter 00 as remote index both for the timeline and the position marker.
Play 0xFF 0x03 0x05 0xXX 0xYY 0xFE
Start presentation in Fullscreen Mode 0xFF 0x03 0x19 0xXX 0xYY 0xFE
Start presentation in Pause Mode 0xFF 0x03 0x1A 0xXX 0xYY 0xFE
Locator to position marker 0xFF 0x03 0x06 0xXX 0xYY 0xFE
Scrub to position marker 0xFF 0x03 0x57 0xXX 0xYY 0xFE
(The Locator moves to the position marker at normal playback speed and stops)
This is an example for addressing a certain position:
Play timeline 4 position marker 15 0xFF 0x03 0x05 0x04 0x0F 0xFE
Timeline and position marker need to have a remote index (XX or YY) to be addressed. Specifying the position marker is optional, i.e. the Play command can also refer to the timeline only, e.g. 0xFF 0x02 0x05 0x01 0xFE starts playback in the timeline with remote index 1 from Locator position 0:00 s. If you want to start playback from the current Locator position in the active timeline, enter 00 both for timeline and position marker, e.g. 0xFF 0x03 0x05 0x00 0x00 FE.
The universal command Multimode Start takes a special position; depending on the project structure it performs different functions:
Multimode Start 0xFF 0x03 0x04 0xXX 0xYY 0xFE
If there is an active video track in Exclusive Mode in the project, the video presentation is started automatically.
If there is no video track in Exclusive Mode in the project, the timeline is played back in Presentation Mode, i.e. pictures and videos are displayed at high quality in fullscreen mode.
If there are neither tracks with visual contents nor a screen, i.e. with show control projects, the timeline is played back.
But also the specified destination XX may differ depending on the type of project:
When there is a timeline with the specified remote index, it is played back as explained above.
If no timeline with the specified remote index is available, Wings Vioso RX executes the trigger with the corresponding remote index. See also Trigger functions
If there is neither a timeline nor a trigger with the specified remote index, the command refers to the control panel field with the corresponding remote index. See also Control panel for direct operation.
By specifying remote indexes you can therefore control whether a command is to take effect on a timeline, a trigger or a control panel field.
The Live players can controlled via the commands below. Please note that two bytes in track ID and file number in the play list must be sent in little endian format, i.e. the the two bytes must be interchanged. In the commands below XX stands for the track number and YY for the play list number.
Video Play 0xFF 0x05 0x66 0xXX 0xXX 0xYY 0xYY 0xFE (Play list number YY is optional.)
Video Play next 0xFF 0x05 0x66 0xXX 0xXX 0x82 0x3e 0xFE
Video Play previous 0xFF 0x05 0x66 0xXX 0xXX 0x83 0x3e 0xFE
Video Pause 0xFF 0x03 0x66 0xXX 0xXX 0xFE
Video Stop 0xFF 0x03 0x66 0xXX 0xXX 0xFE
Audio Play 0xFF 0x05 0x69 0xXX 0xXX 0xYY 0xYY 0xFE (Play list number YY is optional.)
Audio Play next 0xFF 0x05 0x69 0xXX 0xXX 0x82 0x3e 0xFE
Audio Play previous 0xFF 0x05 0x69 0xXX 0xXX 0x83 0x3e 0xFE
Audio Pause 0xFF 0x03 0x6A 0xXX 0xXX 0xFE
Audio Stop 0xFF 0x03 0x6B 0xXX 0xXX 0xFE
Jump to the next position marker 0xFF 0x01 0x09 0xFE
Jump to the previous position marker 0xFF 0x01 0x0A 0xFE
Home (Functional description) 0xFF 0x01 0x13 0xFE
End (Functional description) 0xFF 0x01 0x14 0xFE
Show Control Panel page 0xFF 0x02 0x33 0xXX 0xFE
(XX = page)
Trigger action button (control panel field) 0xFF 0x02 0x34 0xXX 0xFE
(XX = remote index of the control panel field)
Execute trigger 0xFF 0x02 0x2E 0xXX 0xFE
(XX = remote index)
Enable trigger 0xFF 0x02 0x52 0xXX 0xFE
(XX = remote index; 0 = all triggers)
Disable trigger 0xFF 0x02 0x53 0xXX 0xFE
(XX = remote index; 0 = all triggers)
Enable trigger scheduler 0xFF 0x01 0x22 0xFE
Disable trigger scheduler 0xFF 0x01 0x23 0xFE
Run auto mute objects 0xFF 0x02 0x47 0xXX 0xFE
(XX = group; 0 = all auto mute objects)
Pause auto mute objects 0xFF 0x02 0x48 0xXX 0xFE
(XX = group; 0 = all auto mute objects)
Reset auto mute objects 0xFF 0x02 0x49 0xXX 0xFE
(XX = group; 0 = all auto mute objects)
Enable network 0xFF 0x01 0x3F 0xFE
Disable network 0xFF 0x01 0x40 0xFE
Reenable network 0xFF 0x01 0x41 0xFE
Minimize window 0xFF 0x01 0x44 0xFE
Maximize window 0xFF 0x01 0x45 0xFE
Restore window 0xFF 0x01 0x46 0xFE
Terminate Wings Vioso RX 0xFF 0x01 0x1C 0xFE
Terminate and restart Wings Vioso RX 0xFF 0x01 0x1B 0xFE
Log off user 0xFF 0x01 0x1E 0xFE
Shut down and restart computer 0xFF 0x01 0x1D 0xFE
Shut down computer 0xFF 0x01 0x1F 0xFE
Shut down and switch off computer 0xFF 0x01 0x20 0xFE
Remote indexes can be defined in the Properties Dialog of the following items: Timelines, Triggers, Control panel fields and Position Markers.
To use the remote control unit, the device control system needs to be enabled, which can be recognized by the button Enable device ports being pressed. For control via TCP/IP, the server or unit to be controlled needs to be activated before enabling the device control system.
By defining a password a project can be protected against unauthorized editing and saving, as well as closing of the Control Panel. This is particularly important for permanent installations and presentation with touch panels. See Password protection.