Additional functions via shortcuts

General information

Media Pool

Object handling



Display Warp

A compact Overview of all the shortcuts helps you to learn the ropes. See Printing the list of shortcuts.

General information

Open the Options dialog by pressing keys Ctrl + P.

The dialog Statistics/Diagnosis can be opened by pressing the keys Ctrl + D.

Save your project by pressing keys Ctrl + S.

Undo editing steps by pressing keys Ctrl + Z and redo them by pressing Ctrl + Y.

For most number entry fields with small larger/smaller buttons, the alteration increments can now be changed to steps of ten by clicking the button while holding the Shift key. This works also when you click and hold the button or the mouse key, respectively.

Media Pool

Highlighting media files

In the Media Pool, media files can be highlighted as is customary in Windows. Hold the Ctrl key while clicking the individual files to highlight one after the other. Hold the Shift key to mark a whole series of files following each other by clicking the first file, followed by clicking the last file.

Displaying file paths

Press Ctrl and H to display or hide the file paths in the Media Pool.

Object handling

Exact shifting of objects

When grabbing an object at the front or end, holding the mouse button and pressing one of the Cursor keys (left/right), the object is moved pixel by pixel.

Moving following objects along

Press key Q to enable mode Shift following objects. When shifting objects and dissolves all following objects on that track are shifted along. By highlighting several tracks, this function can be extend to other tracks as well.

Move all timeline objects from Locator

Call up function Move from Locator by pressing keys Ctrl + L.

Highlighting several objects

In the timeline, objects can be highlighted as usual in Windows. Hold the Ctrl key while clicking the individual files to highlight one after the other. Hold the Shift key to mark a whole series of files following each other by clicking the first file, followed by clicking the last file. This works even for a number of tracks, although a few special features need to be observed concerning the order of clicking the objects. See Marking objects.

Moving objects while fixing them in time

Objects can be moved to other tracks while fixing their time position. To do so hold key V to activate tool Vertical dragging  .

Shifting object contents

Here we distinguish between media with an extension in time (audio, video) and those without extension in time (images, texts):

Modifying fade-in and fade-out times

To do so, enable tool Stretch/compress fades by holding the D key and drag the edge of an object to the appropriate size.

Changing dissolve times

To do so, enable tool Stretch/compress fades by holding the D key and drag the beginning or the end of a fade to the appropriate size.

Stretching or compressing an object

To do so enable tool Stretch object by holding the W key, grab the object edge and drag it to the appropriate length.  When the Pro License or higher the sound playing time is changed without affecting the pitch (timestretching). See also Changing playing speed and pitch. This causes a slow or fast motion effect for videos.

Cutting objects

Enable tool Cut objects by holding the Y key. You can now cut objects on the right or left via a mouse-click or even divide them (press both mouse buttons). See also Cutting objects in Cut Mode.

Aligned setting of nodes

Press the Alt key while double-clicking and the new node is aligned in height with the adjacent node.

Highlighting nodes

Holding the Ctrl key and dragging a time frame in an object with the mouse highlights all nodes in this area.


Exact horizontal or vertical shifting

Keys V and H allow choosing the shifting direction, so that shifting in other directions is then not possible. Alternatively, you can also enable an intelligent shifting and snapping function by pressing the Shift key, which allows exact horizontal and vertical shifting. The direction in which the first shifting was done is the permitted shifting direction. Just try out this function. Moreover, the screen object snaps to the screen edge when the Shift key is pressed.

Copying keyframe values during editing

By hitting key C the values of a newly created keyframe are copied and pasted also into start and end frame, thus applying to the entire object.

By hitting key B the values of a new keyframe are copied and pasted also into the start frame. Thus, the same values apply from the object beginning to the newly created keyframe.

By hitting key E the values of a new keyframe are copied and pasted also into the end frame. Thus, the same values apply from the new key frame to the object end.

Keyframe ramp shape

Hit key O to create a key frame with Spline characteristic. The parameter curve behaves like a steel wire and runs smoothly from one keyframe to the other. It is well suited for swinging movements.

Press key Z to create a key frame with SmartMove characteristic. The parameter curve, starting from a horizontal curve, runs smoothly to the next keyframe and is ideal for movements that are softly accelerated and decelerated.

All the tools for In-Screen Editing can be found here.


Functions in the timeline

Starting, stopping and resuming playback

Press the space bar to start playback in Wings Vioso RX. Press the space bar again to change to Pause Mode. Press the Esc key to stop playback.  Paused playback can be continued by pressing the Enter or the Space bar. See also Stopping or starting playback.

If you press the space bar immediately upon stopping via the Esc key, playback is resumed at the location playback was started last. A sort of loop playback is created.

Optional PowerPoint-compatible keys for playback control

Setting position markers

You can use the M key to set position markers, even during playback. It allows creation of a timing pattern to align dissolves in time with the music. ... See Timing pattern for synchronization.

Positioning the Locator

Press the Home key and the Locator will jump to the left edge of the track marker. Press Home once again to make it jump to the beginning of the first object. Press the End key to move the Locator to the right edge of the marker or to the end of the last object, respectively. If there is no track marker, the Locator jumps immediately to the beginning or to the end of the show. Via the Cursor keys (right/left) the Locator can be moved pixel by pixel.

By pressing keys Shift + Cursor (right/left) the Locator jumps to the beginning of the next highlighted object. This way you can search for highlighted objects. This feature may come in handy, when you have used function Selecting Timeline Objects and, following that, want to move to the highlighted objects one after the other.

In Editing Mode you can jump from position marker to position marker by clicking a cursor key (right/left) while holding the Ctrl key.

Scrolling in the timeline

By moving the mouse wheel, the timeline is scrolled along the time axis, i.e. towards the right or the left. By pressing the Shift key in addition to this, the tracks are scrolled from top to bottom or vice versa.

Keys PageUp or PageDown cause page-by-page scrolling in the timeline (along the time axis), while a combination with the Shift key results in vertical scrolling. The Cursor keys up/down cause scrolling up and down by timeline tracks.

Expanding/compressing the time axis

Just press the keys + / - of the numeric keypad. Press the X key (multiply) to resume normal display. You can change over between largest and smallest display by pressing the Ctrl key while clicking + or -.

Highlighting several tracks

Press and hold the Shift key while clicking one track head and you will find that all other tracks of the same type (picture, audio and video tracks, etc.) are highlighted as well. To highlight all tracks of a project, press Ctrl + Shift and click any track head. Press and hold the Ctrl key while clicking the required track heads to select or deselect several tracks.  

Opening the slider control for audio tracks

You can directly call up dialog Multi-channel setting by holding the Ctrl key while clicking (audio effects in the track head are available with the Pro License and up). In addition to this, the slider controls can also be adjusted during playback.

Placing a number of devices into separate, newly created tracks

When you simultaneously drag several devices or control channels into the empty timeline space below the tracks and press the Shift key while releasing the mouse key, a separate track will be created for every individual device.

Live Player Playlists

After dragging and dropping a file into the Live Player while pressing the Ctrl key the file is added without being played immediately.

If you hold the Shift key down while dragging and dropping the list is emptied and the new file is played.

Display Warp

For warping screen or display contents via grids the following options are available:

Moving intersection points horizontally only

To fix the grid intersection points in height hold the H key to enable tool  Horizontal dragging.

Moving intersection points vertically only

To prevent intersection points from moving laterally, press the V key before you enable tool Vertical dragging.

Moving single intersection points only

If you prefer to move one single intersection point instead of a whole grid area, keep the Shift key pressed.


See also

Function keys

Object handling

Functions in the timeline