
The Toolbar can be found on the left next to the timeline. This narrow, vertical window, however, can be "torn off" and moved to a different location. Further information on this is available further below. Information about the function bar below the main menu can be found under Function bar.

Enabling the tools

Depending on the situation and your personal working style you can enable tools in different ways. Please note that the first three tool buttons are mutually exclusive, i.e. only either Edit, Cut object or Pan can be enabled.

Enabling the tool via mouse-click

Enabling the tools by pressing keys

While you are holding down the key, the tool remains enabled, when you let go of it the tool resumes the previously selected mode.  Note: This way, only one tool can be enabled at a time, i.e. holding several keys at the same time is not possible.

Standard toolbar settings

All tools can be reset to their default setting by clicking  Reset tools in the Tools title bar.


Timeline editing and In-Screen editing

Edit objects in timeline and screen ...allows editing of objects in timeline and screen. Shortcut via key S, default setting.

Edit objects in timeline  ...allows editing of objects only in the timeline. Shortcut via key T.


Using Cut Modus for cutting objects

Cut objects  ... enables Cut Mode for efficient cutting of objects, such as audio and video. Shortcut via the Y key. This function is available with the Pro license and up. See also Cutting objects in Cut Mode.


Selecting the panning mode for the displayed section of timeline and screen

Pan  ...allows free shifting of the screen contents. Shortcut via key P. Press Shift to temporarily block vertical shifting in the timeline.

Horizontal panning ...only allows horizontal shifting of the displayed section of timeline and screen.

Vertical panning ...only allows vertical shifting of the displayed section of timeline and screen.


Selecting the area newly created or modified keyframes are to take effect on

Normal keyframes  ...the values of a newly created keyframe are only effective at the location of the keyframe. Shortcut via key N.

Keyframes constant for object  ...the values of a newly created keyframe are also copied to start and end frames, thus applying to the entire object. Shortcut via key C.

Keyframes constant from object beginning   ...the values of a new keyframe are also copied to the start frame, thus applying to the object from the beginning of the object to the new keyframe. Shortcut via key B.

Keyframes constant to object end ...the values of a new keyframe are also copied to the end frame, thus applying to the object from the location of the new keyframe to the end of the object. Shortcut via key E.

Optionally, these tools can also be used for nodes, which may be an interesting feature for data objects in a show control project. They are enabled under Options - Global Options - Objects.


Selecting keyframe properties for the curve gradient

Linear keyframe  ...the parameter curve behaves like a thread and runs in a zigzag line from one keyframe to the other. Shortcut via key I.

Spline keyframe ...the parameter curve behaves like a steel wire and runs smoothly from one keyframe to the other. Shortcut via key O.

SmartMove keyframes  ...the parameter curve, starting from a horizontal curve, runs smoothly to the next keyframe and is ideal for soft movements. It is a Bezier keyframe which is set up to adjust to object modifications. Shortcut via the Z key.

Symmetric keyframes ...creates a node with Bezier properties. As opposed to SmartMove nodes, the handles feature identical tangents at both sides whose values are not object-related. Shortcut via the U key.


Selecting the compress/extend mode for objects

Move fades  ...shifts crossfades as well as fade-ins and fade-outs to the beginning or the end of objects. The duration of the fade does not change. Shortcut via key A. This is the default setting.

Stretch fades  ...changes the duration of crossfades as well as of fade-ins and fade-outs at the beginning and end of objects. Shortcut via key D.

Stretch objects  ...causes object content and the ramp shape to be stretched or compressed when objects are extended or shortened. Shortcut via key W.

For audio objects the sound is only changed (time stretching) when at least the Pro License has been installed.


Choosing the dragging direction for objects in the screen

Unconfined dragging  ...Allows dragging of virtually all editable objects (timeline, screen and warp grid). Shortcut via key F. This is the default setting.

Horizontal dragging  ...Allows only horizontal dragging of editable objects. Shortcut via key H.

Vertical dragging  ...Allows only vertical dragging of editable objects. Shortcut via key V.  

Shift following objects  ...enables or disables this mode. Shortcut via key Q. See Shifting following objects along.

Snap to objects ...activates or deactivates the "magnetic mode" of the Locator. Shortcut via key L. See Snapping Locator to objects.