Editing the ramp band

An object is covered by a ramp band from the first to the last node. By adding and shifting nodes any shape of ramps can be produced... Show ramp band.

According to the type of media you can control the following factors:

Every object has four red standard nodes which are very useful for simple fading in and out, as well as for dissolves. You can move them with the mouse, but cannot delete them. Show standard nodes. When shifting standard nodes, brightness values (... below 100 %) and dissolve times or fade-in and out times are displayed. You can set additional nodes to shape the ramps... Show additional nodes.

Data objects partly behave differently. They only have two standard nodes and retain their last value. See also Programming analog/DMX devices.

What would you like to do?

Shaping ramps

Highlighting nodes

Deleting nodes

Aligning nodes

Displaying node values

Using pre-defined ramp shapes

Shaping ramps

Additional nodes are used for shaping ramps. Show additional nodes. Double-click in the object to set a node. This node can be moved with the mouse. For additional nodes you can choose between two types of ramp shapes:

Splines cannot be used properly for transitions from straight to bent curve portions. This is what Bezier nodes are for.

SmartMove Keyframes ...the parameter curve, starting from a horizontal curve, runs smoothly to the next keyframe and is ideal for soft movements. During object modifications the handle parameters are adjusted. Shortcut via the Z key.

Symmetric keyframes ...creates also a node with Bezier properties. The handles, however, have identical tangents at both sides whose values are not object-related. Shortcut via the U key.

Note: Bezier nodes or keyframes become ineffective when their ramp bands are connected to adjacent Spline nodes or keyframes.

Show different effects of the two Bezier tools


Changing fade in and out

When shifting an inner standard node, all other ordinary nodes located between this standard node and the beginning or the end of the object, respectively also change their position proportionally. A ramp form will thus maintain its properties.... Show effects.

Deleting nodes


Highlighting nodes

Standard nodes and additional nodes cannot be highlighted simultaneously.


Aligning nodes

If you want to align the height of a node exactly with the height of the adjacent node, you can do so in two ways:

Movement tools allow the direction of node movements to be confined.  For vertical movement press the V key and for horizontal movement the H key. See also Toolbar.


Displaying node values

See also

Default duration for new objects