Shifting Objects

Grab an object in the info line and move it Show info line When you grab the edge of the info line with the mouse, the mouse pointer jumps to the exact beginning or end. This feature may be useful when trying to align the object with other elements or with graphically displayed sound.

When grabbing an object at the front or end, holding the mouse button and pressing one of the Cursor keys (left/right), the object is moved pixel by pixel.

Methods for exact alignment can be found under Snapping to objects and  Aligning objects.

Shifting several objects

Simply mark the required objects and shift them with the mouse. There are various ways of highlighting a number of objects. See Marking objects.


Shifting following objects along

When editing objects you can also shift along later objects or objects to the right of the Locator. Function Shift following objects can be used for shifting objects but also for shifting dissolves and for adjusting the right object edge.