Aligning/docking objects

Objects can be aligned with each other. This may be necessary if you want to join two cropped sound objects very exactly or when a sample on a different track is to start at the same time.


Docking two adjacent objects on the same track


Keeping the position in time and extending one object up to an adjacent one.

Any subsequent alignment of sound cuts can performed, after checking whether the timing is correct, by joining the two samples via this function.


Aligning objects on different tracks

  1. Start out with a rough alignment of the object.

  2. Mark the object it should be aligned with (... which must not change its position in time).

  3. Right-click the object which is to be aligned and select Align.

Make sure you try out the magnetic Locator available in function Snap to objects. In many cases, this the easier and simpler way. See Snapping to objects.