Moving timeline contents from Locator position

Instead of shifting marked objects you can also move the entire contents of a timeline from the Locator position, i.e. the portion to the right of the Locator, by a certain period of time.

    1. Move the Locator to the position from where you would like move the timeline contents.

    2. In the main menu click on TimelineMove from Locator.

    3. Enter the period in seconds by which the timeline contents are to be moved. If you want to move them to the left you need to enter a minus sign before the time.

    4. If the objects at the Locator position are to be moved along, place a checkmark next to Move objects at locator position. Otherwise only those objects are moved whose beginning is to the right of the Locator position.

    5. Click on OK to start moving the timeline contents.

    See also

    Shifting objects