Any number and choice of objects can be grouped. This means that when one object from the group is selected, it is always the whole group that is selected or deselected.
Simply mark or select the required objects ... See Marking objects.
Right-click one of
these objects and select Grouping
new group. The group index is displayed on the left margin
in the info line.
Mark or select the objects to be added to a group.
Right-click the selected
object and choose Grouping
Assign group.
Under New enter the index of the group which the selected objects should be added to, followed by clicking OK.
Select the objects of the group which are to be added to another group.
Right-click the selected
object and choose Grouping
Change group.
Under New enter the index of the group which the selected objects should be added to, followed by clicking OK.
When grouped objects are copied, the pasted objects are assigned to a
new group. If the copied objects contain several groups, these groups
are maintained and provided with individual group indexes. See also Copying
and pasting objects.
Click in the info line of a group object.
Right-click one of
these objects and select Grouping
Remove grouping.
Click a free location on a track to invert selection of all objects.
Right-click the object
to be removed from the group and select Grouping
Remove grouping.