Copying/pasting objects

Similar to other Windows programs, you can also copy data into the clipboard and paste it again at another location in Wings Vioso RX. The customary Windows key combinations are used:

In Wings Vioso RX, you can copy and paste any object and even object ramps via the clipboard. Even copying and pasting whole shows is possible.


Copying and pasting objects

Pasting objects into new tracks

When objects are copied from several tracks, they can also be pasted into new tracks.

This causes new tracks to be created and the objects from the clipboard to be pasted to them. In addition to this, a group track has been created, which allows you to hide the new tracks and simply drag them to a different position. If necessary you can drag the objects onto a different track while holding the V key.

See also

Copying ramps

Using predefined ramps

Duplicating tracks