Function bar

The function bar for selecting a number of different functions can be found in the program window below the main menu. For information about the toolbar for editing objects click here.

New... opens the dialog box for creation of a new project. See Creating a new project.

Open project... opens the corresponding dialog box. See Opening a project.

Save...  saves the current project. See Saving projects.

Save as... opens the corresponding dialog box. See Saving projects.

Save undo step... saves the current editing status as undo step. See Manual saving of undo steps.

Undo... reverses the last processing step. See Undo-/Redo function.

Redo... restores the last processing step. See Undo-/Redo function.

Create display data ...  initiates creation of the missing display data for a project. Display data is created in the background by the render engine. When the process is complete, the button is released.

Realtime control... opens and closes the track sliders. See also Track sliders for live control.

Live Players...  opens and closes the live players. See Live Player for video.

Record Mode... activates or deactivates the corresponding mode. See Using external input devices.

Enable device ports... activates or deactivates the port for connected devices. See Enabling device ports.

Enable network...  activates or deactivates communication via the network. See also Configuring the presentation network.

Enable file transfer...  enables or disables data transfer to the client computers for multidisplay operation.

Enable trigger scheduler ...  activates or deactivates the trigger scheduler. See also Trigger functions.

Display Preview Screens ...  opens or closes the screen window. See Displaying/hinding screens.

Show render displays... opens and closes the Render Displays. The network must be enabled for this purpose.

Locate render displays ...  enables or disables locating on the render displays. See also  Multidisplay via hardware rendering.

Enable all warnings... enables output of all warnings and error messages. See Enabling/disabling all warnings.

Options... opens the Options Dialog. See Options Dialog.

Help topics... calls up the Wings Vioso RX Help. See also Optimum use of the Help topics.

About Wings Vioso RX... opens the info dialog. See also Current version.