Opening a project

You can open projects from version 2.0 or up. Older projects need to be opened using version 3.x and saved.

    1. In the function bar below the main menu click on   Open... or in the main menu on File and Open....

    2. Mark the required file and click on Open. If the required file should not be visible, click on Search in to select the corresponding folder.

    3. If the complete number of media files cannot be found at the corresponding location a dialog will appear offering to search for the missing files. See also Searching for missing files.

    See also

    Opening old projects containing tracks with "Addition"

    Opening one of the last projects used

      1. In the function bar below the main menu click on   New...  or in the main menu on File and New....

      2. On the left, click on Last Projects and select the required project on the right by double-clicking it.