Customizing the program window

The Wings Vioso RX program window contains numerous sub-windows which can be arranged and structured most flexibly. We distinguish between two types of window:

The Timeline window the central window which may contain a number on timelines on tabs. By clicking on a tab the corresponding timeline is moved to the foreground. Moreover, the tabs can be moved into an additional group. In such a case an additional timeline group is created and the contents of several timelines can be displayed simultaneously. This is how it is done:

Info on how to open and close timelines or their tabs can be found in topic Opening/closing timelines.

Any other windows are arranged around the timeline window. However, they can be "torn off" by grabbing the window at the title bar and dragging it. Windows can be placed as follows:

The future window location is shown as some blue area as soon as the window is dragged onto one of the four symbols. After letting go of the mouse-key the window is docked to the indicated location. Please note that there are also smaller symbols at the sides of the main window in addition to the large symbol with five selectable locations.

See also

Opening windows

Reset user interface