Function keys

Function keys allow you direct access to frequently used functions.

A compact overview of all available shortcuts makes life easier for newcomers. See Printing shortcut list.


The following functions are available:

F1 Help (context sensitive)

F2 no function assigned

F3 no function assigned

F4 Open realtime control for tracks. See also Track slider for live control

F5 Start Presentation Mode in Fullscreen Mode. See Starting and stopping playback

F6 Locate client timelines

F6 + Ctrl Display or close client screens

F7 Transfer client files. See also Transferring project data to the clients

F8 Enable/disable device ports. See Synchronizing devices

F8 + Ctrl Enable/ disable network

F9 Change over between lists and lightbox view. See Sorting on the lightbox

F10 Open/close screens. See Displaying/hiding screens

F11 no function assigned

F12 no function assigned

F1...F12 Execution of triggers during playback or in Pause Mode. See Executing a trigger.

F1...F12 + Shift Execute trigger. See Executing a trigger.

See also

Additional functions via shortcuts