Sorting on the lightbox

Lightbox view in the Media Pool allows you to sort your pictures at random, just like on a real lightbox. Moreover, it also allows you to find out whether pairs of pictures are suitable for dissolves.

  1. In the Media Pool, click category Pictures.

  2. Click button Lightbox view in the top right Media Pool corner.

  3. You can now drag the pictures to any position and arrange them as you like. These are the options:

  1. After determining the order of the pictures, you can highlight these pictures and drag them into a picture track or an empty space in the timeline. This way a complete dissolve sequence is created.

You can open a second lightbox or an additional Media Pool window by right-clicking a folder or a category and selecting Open in new window.

Sorting according to certain criteria

In the List view, the pictures in the Media Pool can be sorted in accordance with certain criteria, such as Name, Used, Size, etc. And this sorting can also be transferred to the Lightbox View.

  1. Click button Lightbox view in the top right Media Pool corner to display the pictures in list form.

  2. Click the parameter in the title bar according to which you want sorting. Click a second time to reverse sorting, i.e. ascending or descending order.

  3. In the main menu, click Media PoolCurrent Sort Sequence -> Lightbox to display the pictures in the lightbox in accordance with their sorting order in the list.


See also

Changing default durations for picture objects

Editing objects

Dissolving objects