All objects are edited in accordance with a uniform concept. All objects look similar and can be edited likewise, be it picture, sound, video or text objects. Show objects. Data and switch objects are similar but show a few peculiarities, which are explained under Show Control Functions.
Below you will find an overview of the most important items:
Objects can be grabbed at the info line and moved. This info line also serves for highlighting objects, which means that the info line is displayed in yellow. Show info line. When you grab the edge of the info line with the mouse, the mouse pointer jumps to the exact beginning or end. This feature may be useful for aligning a number of objects. When grabbing an object at the front or end, holding the mouse button and pressing one of the Cursor keys (left/right), the object is moved pixel by pixel. ...See also Shifting several objects.
An object can be changed in its length. For this purpose tool Move fades must be enabled (shortcut via key A). Grab the beginning or the end of the objects and drag it.
Show procedure. As an alternative you can change the length of an object by changing the duration. See also dividing or cutting and frame-accurate cutting.
An object is covered by a ramp band from the first to the last node. Show ramp band. According to the type of media, the ramp band can be used to control the following:
Picture objects ... brightness or transparency
Sound objects ... the volume
Video objects ...the transparency
Text objects ...transparency ...More about Text functions
Data objects ... according to the control channel, e.g. voltages, DMX values, position data, etc.
An exception are data and parameter objects with two statuses only: open and closed.
Every object has four standard nodes which are very useful for simple fading in and out, as well as for dissolves. You can move them with the mouse, but cannot delete them. Show standard nodes. Data objects, for example, are an exception, because they only have two standard nodes.
Additional nodes are used for shaping ramps. Double-click in the object to set a node which can be moved with the mouse. Double-click the node to delete it. Show additional nodes.
For additional nodes you can choose between two types of ramp shapes. Choose the corresponding type of tools:
Linear Keyframes (shortcut via key I)... produces nodes connected by a straight ramp band, like a tightened thread. They are ideal for straight section, e.g. for volume reductions or, in general, when the value is to remain constant over a certain period. These nodes are set by double-clicking an object while pressing the I key.
Spline Keyframes (shortcut via key O) ...produces nodes connected by a curved ramp band, like a bent piece of wire. They are ideal for curved shapes, but not for linear gradients. They are set by double-clicking an object while pressing the O key.
Show difference.
Further information about shaping ramps can be found here.
When shifting an inner standard node, any other additional nodes located at the beginning or the end between these standard nodes also change their position proportionally. A ramp shape will thus maintain its properties. Show how it works.
See also
Expanding or compressing objects