Password protection

A project can be protected by means of a password against unauthorized editing and saving, as well as closing of the control panel. This is particularly important for permanent installations and presentation mode with touch panels.

Mishandling and losing your password could mean that your project can no longer be edited and saved. Therefore, you should back up your project (*.ptp) beforehand and read the entire information given below.


Enabling password protection

  1. Click on   Options in the function bar below the main menu and select Project OptionsPassword.

  2. In the fields Password and Confirmation enter the required password and click Assign password. Make sure you note down the password so that you retain full access.

  3. Confirm the message Warning! After saving this project …. with OK and close the Options dialog by clicking OK again.

  4. Save your project by clicking on Save. The project is now password protected. Editing or saving is only possible after entering the password in Wings Vioso RX.

After opening a protected project the following functions are blocked:

Legitimization for editing protected project

Before a password protected project can be edited or saved, legitimisation via password entry is required:

  1. Click on ExtrasEnter password...

  2. Enter the corresponding password and click OK.


Removing password protection

For permanent password removal for a project, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Extras - Enter password...

  2. Enter the corresponding passoword and click OK.

  3. Click on Options in the function bar below the main menu and select Project OptionsPassword.

  4. Leave the fields Password and Confirmation empty and click Assign password.

  5. Confirm the following message with OK and close the Options Dialog with OK.

  6. Now save your project by clicking on Save. Password protection for this project has now been removed.