Executing several triggers according to a list

You can add several triggers to a list and have this set of functions executed jointly. This way you can perform timeline-independent control tasks in addition to playback functions. The order of trigger execution is defined in a trigger list, which may also contain waiting times.

Some trigger functions must not be combined and may cause malfunctions. At the moment we cannot say which trigger combinations may cause problems. Therefore, we are asking you to be cautious in using the trigger list and consider carefully which triggers you are combining.

    1. Start by creating the appropriate trigger on the Media Pool Trigger category. See also Creating triggers.

    2. Drag and drop the first trigger into the Control Panel and a control panel field will be created. See also Executing triggers via control panel fields.

    3. Following this, hold the Ctrl key and drag and drop all the triggers that you want to add to the list one after the other onto the control panel field of the first trigger. In the control field title bar the number of triggers on the list will be displayed in brackets.

    4. To show and edit the list, right-click the control panel field and select trigger list for the trigger list to appear.

    5. On the trigger list you can see the triggers in the order they were added. For editing the following options are available:

    6. Use buttons and to move the highlighted trigger up or down. This changes the order and thus the sequence of functions.

    7. In column Pause you can enter a period in milliseconds for every trigger that is to expire before the next trigger is to be executed.

    Important: The period is entered in milliseconds, but the accuracy is only about 0.1 to 0.2 seconds depending on the trigger action. The execution time of a trigger list should be kept rather short as certain actions might block Wings Vioso RX.

    Once you have established the order and waiting timers for the triggers, you can click OK.

    1. You can now have the trigger list executed by clicking on the control panel field. On tab  Log messages will be displayed referring to the trigger execution. When trigger execution is finished, a corresponding message will also be displayed. You can interrupt trigger execution by hitting the Esc key.

    Execution of a trigger list by pressing a function key is organized by means of the trigger action Execute field. This requires the control panel field containing the list to be provided with a remote index via its properties. In trigger Execute field enter the remote index of the field to be executed and the corresponding function key (requires the Pro License and up, not available with an Additional licencse) . See also Trigger actions.

    See also

    Executing a trigger