
This function is only available with a Starter License or up. See Licenses and functions.

Markers can serve various purposes, e.g. for marking a position within a show, for navigation purposes, as pause marker for controlling playback of a Speaker Support show or even for programming Show Control functions. Information on the various marker types can be found further below.


Setting markers

With a few exceptions, markers are set as follows:

  1. Unless you have already included a marker track in your project, do so now. Right-click a track head, select Insert track and Marker.

  2. Now right-click the marker track and select the required marker type. See Marker types.

Setting file markers

  1. Add a document or a file to be executed (*.exe) to the Media Pool by clicking category External in the Media Pool. Right-click some free space in the right Media Pool section and select Add external files.

  2. Now one of the added files from the Media Pool into a marker track.

During playback the files are executed or opened. See also File Marker Properties and Incorporating PowerPoint presentations.

EXE presentations should not be started via file markers since this causes two instances of Wings Vioso RX to be running that use up each other graphics resources such as the full screen. This will only be successful if you do without the screen in Wings Vioso RX.

Setting position markers during playback

  1. Unless you have already included a marker track in your project, do so now. Right-click a track head, select Insert track and Marker.

  2. Start playback and press the M key at the corresponding location to set the position marker. This allows you to create a timing pattern for music. See Timing pattern for synchronization.

Editing markers

Markers can be shifted in time, but cannot be edited like other objects as they have no extension in time.

Marker types

The following markers are available, which are nearly all set the same way. See Setting markers. Please note that the Starter License only supports pause markers.

It is possible to simultaneously place pause markers in front of several objects, which is a useful feature for Speaker Support shows. See Adding pause markers for highlighted objects.

Restrictions in jumping during playback...

For CF card shows to be played via SC Master or Event Control units, a jump marker always causes jumping to 0:00 seconds, i.e. to the very beginning. Whenever position markers are specified as jump destinations, they will be ignored.

See also

Timing pattern for synchronization

Marking a period