Presenting with track control via variables

Variables can be used for instant and differentiated dissolves of parallel track contents during playback - these can be pictures, video or sound, as well as data and switch objects. They link up the alpha of a number of tracks with variable A and that of some other tracks with variable B. During playback the tracks with the variable A start and, after a while, you fade over spontaneously to the tracks with variable B. It is also possible to set up more complex groups and combine them arbitrarily.

The track contents can be executed or controlled in different ways:

All these functions are very well suited for live presentation of very complex contents, i.e. also in combination with live video imports. However, mix-groups can also be used for elegantly changing over between different contents of information systems. The mix group function requires the Pro License or higher. See Licenses and functions.


Control via trigger (first option)

Control via data objects and slider controls (second option)