Interaction with Stumpfl Iseo

These functions require the Advanced License and up. See Licenses and functions.

Iseo is a programmable remote control unit for the Stumpfl system, i.e. for presentation computers running Wings Vioso RX, SC Master with optional SC Net Modules, SC Video Player as well as any other devices that can be addressed serially or via TCP/IP.  Suitable hardware for the Iseo are tablet PCs, pocket PCs or PDAs with a WLAN using Windows.  The Iseo interface can be designed individually using the SC Designer, thus allowing intuitive control concepts to be implemented.

It is not only possible to control Wings Vioso RX in a variety of different functions, but also to have the SC TouchControl controlled by Wings Vioso RX. The necessary precondition for this type of interaction is configuration of a corresponding device port. See Configuration of Iseo port.

The following operations are possible:

Information on how to evaluate and use the Wings Vioso RX operating states for controlling and conditional functions can be found in the Iseo Help topic Conditional functions.