Configuration Stumpfl Iseo

This device port is necessary for remotely controlling or interaction with Wings Vioso RX via Iseo devices.

    1. Click category  Devices in the Media Pool.

    2. Right-click some free space in the right Media Pool section and select Add port Stumpfl Iseo.

    3. At IP address / Port enter the address of the PC used for Iseo Designer software or of the Iseo device or iPod. Important: During the setting up and test phase of a touch panel interface, the IP address of computer running Iseo Designer is relevant, while for the presentation at a later time it's the IP address of the Iseo device.

    4. For Port you can usually leave the default setting of 5151; it needs to correspond with the port setting for the device Wings Vioso RX in Iseo Designer. Please note that the next higher port is also used for bidirectional communication via UDP protocol. Alternatively, you can also use TCP protocol for communication.

    5. The image size for preview in Iseo can be left at 320 pixels, as the amount of data per image is restricted to this width. Following this, click OK.