Sending texts and images to Iseo

These functions require the Advanced License and up. See Licenses and functions.

Images and texts in the timeline can be sent to the Iseo and displayed on the touch panel. This way the next images in a show can be previewed or a prompter function be implemented.

There is a special Jukebox Module available for Iseo which allows playback of various timelines via playlists.


And this is how it is done:

  1. Unless this has not already been done, set up a device port for the Iseo in the Media Pool under Devices. See Configuration Stumpfl Iseo.

  2. Add a universal track by right-clicking a track head and selecting Insert Track Universal.

  3. Right-click the universal track and select Insert Notes..., following which the Properties Dialog of the note object will pop up.

  4. In field Text enter the information to be sent to Iseo.

  5. Enable Display on Stumpfl Iseo text field and enter a remote index between 1 and 250 in the number box. This remote index defines the text or image field of the interface the information is to be displayed on.

  6. Close the dialog by clicking OK.

  7. If you want to add a picture to the text, drag it from the Media Pool to the notes object.

In the touch panel project you now need to perform the following steps on the SC Designer:

Once this has been completed, enable the device ports in Wings Vioso RX and establish the connections in the SC Designer by pressing F5. Following this, start playback in Wings Vioso RX. When the Locator is moving across the note object, text and image will be displayed on the touch panel.