Click category Timelines
in the Media Pool to open the Properties dialog. Right-click the corresponding
Timeline in the right Media Pool part and select Properties.
In the dialog popping you can adjust a few settings for synchronization and remote control.
For Name you can enter the corresponding name.
For Synchronization choose the reference for synchronization:
Audio the default setting and uses the sound card as a reference
PC clock ...uses the internal PC clock as a reference. This is a very useful setting if the PC does not have a functional sound card.
Device port used for timecode synchronization.
For Sync port enter the device port used for reading timecode. This setting is only available when you have previously chosen Device port.
For Remote Index enter the corresponding index to make the timeline addressable or remote-controllable. When you enter a remote index of 0 the commands or trigger actions refer to the current timeline. In this case the timeline addressed by the trigger must also be 0.
function or every type of object, respectively has its own remote indexes.
Thus it is possible that there are remote indexes with the same number
for timelines, position markers, triggers, control panel fields, etc.
For Autostop you can enter a period of time and define how long playback is to be continued after the last object.
For Locator Display you can choose the frames per second at which the fractions of a second are to be displayed, e.g. 25 for 25 frames per second. With a setting of 0, the fractional digits are displayed as a decimal value. See also Changing time display and timeline resolution.
At Default timeline you can enter the default magnification of the timeline to be applied, e.g. by pressing the multiply key on the numerical keypad. Entry is in seconds per pixel. The standard magnification ranges from 1/100 to 1 second per pixel.
At Raster enter the raster width for the snap to function of the Locator. Use value at Offset to move the pattern.
In order to allow the Locator to snap to the specified
raster select this option in the main menu Timeline
- Snap To Raster and enable the
tool Snap enabled, e.g. by pressing
the L-key.
In field Comment you can enter any remarks to be are displayed in the Media Pool in the corresponding column.
If you check the box Display timeline next to Stumpfl Avio the properties such as Name, Locator time or length of the timeline are transferred to the Avio system and displayed in the Avio Manager. See also Wings Avio Manager - An Overview.
By entering the Render Layer you specifiy the layer to which the timeline content is output on the screen. The following applies: the contents of the timeline with the lowest render layer number are located at the very bottom and timelines with a higher render layer number cover up the contents of timelines with lower render layer numbers. It is also possible to enter negative Render Layer values.
See also
Presenting with track control via variables