Timeline Properties

Click category Timelines in the Media Pool to open the Properties dialog. Right-click the corresponding Timeline in the right Media Pool part and select Properties.

In the dialog popping you can adjust a few settings for synchronization and remote control.

General items

Audio ...is the default setting and uses the sound card as a reference

PC clock ...uses the internal PC clock as a reference. This is a very useful setting if the PC does not have a functional sound card.

Device port ...is used for timecode synchronization.

Every function or every type of object, respectively has its own remote indexes. Thus it is possible that there are remote indexes with the same number for timelines, position markers, triggers, control panel fields, etc.

In order to allow the Locator to snap to the specified raster select this option in the main menu Timeline - Snap To Raster and enable the tool Snap enabled, e.g. by pressing the L-key.

See also

Displaying a timeline

Presenting with track control via variables

Duplicating a timeline

Adding or removing a tiimeline

Timecode synchronization

Creating a trigger