Using faders and buttons for recording or live control

These functions require the Pro License and up. See Licenses and functions.

For live control or data recording it is also possible to use faders and buttons on an Iseo interface. It offers high functionality and is an ideal location for any functions such as Play and Record.

And this is how it is done:

    1. Unless this has not already been done, set up a device port for the Iseo in the Media Pool under Devices. See Configuration Iseo.

    2. Right-click Stumpfl Iseo, select Add devices and the corresponding dialog box will appear.

    3. Place a checkmark next to Fader In and Switch In and enter the corresponding number of faders and switches. Close the dialog by clicking OK.

    4. For the device to be controlled, create a switch or data object by dragging the corresponding control channel from the Media Pool into a universal track. See also Switch outputs or Analog/DMX control channels.

    5. Drag an Iseo fader or switch and drop it onto a switch or data object. The object info line will show the name of the allocated control element. You can also allocate the same control elements to several data or switch objects. For control or recording purposes, the corresponding devices can then be controlled jointly via one control element.

    Please note that the control elements only work if the data or switch objects have actually been allocated to a control channel. Further information can be found in topic Live control and Recording in objects.

    Preparatory steps for the Iseo interface

    Further information on how to design touch panel interfaces can be found in the Iseo Help topics.