Important notes on using Wings Vioso RX

Wings Vioso RX features an extremely powerful Render Engine with multi-client capability and is able to play up to four uncompressed 4k-image sequences at 60 f/s using the Wings Engine RAW server. User interface and operation are essentially based on the standard Wings Vioso system. Please make sure you consider the items covered in this topic when using Wings Vioso RX. They deal with the essential differences.

Any information in these help topics is based on Wings Vioso. Even when Wings Vioso RX is mentioned in the text, the functions are not necessarily available yet. In case of doubt always check this topic.  Topics containing screenshots do not yet show the newly designed interface. This, however, does not impair the quality of the information provided. What is more important is the fact, that there are a few functional areas, that have not yet been implemented in Wings RX. These are the areas that are covered in this topic at Functions not yet implemented.

Starting Wings Vioso RX

Creating a project and playback

Creating display data

Simultaneous playback of several timelines

Multimaster Mode

Frame Blending for video playback

Color management for images and videos

Offline Objects

Vioso Calibration

Special triggers

Render Engine log information

Render Engine Media Folder

Hiding/unhiding status information and performance control on render displays

Functions not yet implemented


Starting Wings Vioso RX

Using a Wings Engine, right-click    in the bottom left corner of the desktop and select Wings Settings at the top of the dialog opening up. At the top right-hand side enable Use Wings Vioso RX, after which the options for selecting Master/Client will be disabled. Wings Vioso RX only has Master PCs which supply contents to client computers which are then processed by Render Engines. Following this you can start Wings Vioso RX by clicking the large Wings icon.

If Wings AV Suite RX has been installed on a standard PC two links will have been created during the installation. Wings Vioso RX is started by double-clicking the corresponding link.


Creating a project and playback

A project is created as before by using the Wizard for Mixed Media Projects. See Wizard for Mixed Media Projects. After this, mind the following:

In principle, all graphics cards with an an OpenGL 4.4 driver should work. So far, only Nvidia Quadro series graphics cards have been tested extensively for multidisplay shows. This is why we recommend Nvidia Quadro whose outputs can be hardware-synced. Moreover, we also recommend using Windows 7 for multidisplay applications. The best preconditions for a powerful operation, however, are offered by our Wings Engines.

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Creating display data

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Simultaneous playback of several timelines

The contents of several timelines can be played simultaneously on one screen provided this has been enabled in the Options. Please note the following:

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Multimaster Mode

Multimaster Mode allows output to the render displays using various Wings Vioso RX servers.

If you want to output the contents of several Wings servers to the same render displays you need to set up the PCs as follows:

After enabling the network for both PCs and opening the render displays every Wings Vioso RX will connect to the same render engines and the corresponding content appears on the displays unless the contents cover each other up. That’s why the render layers in the Timeline Properties of both PCs need to be harmonized.

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Frame blending for video playback

Wings Vioso RX can play all videos smoothly even if their frame rates do not correspond with the displays’ or projector’s refresh rate, e.g. video with 25 f/s and a monitor with 60 Hz refresh rate. For this purpose the Render Engine uses frame blending. Instead of showing a frame twice exactly timed intermediate images are created by blending. Depending on the image content this may cause some double contours or unsharpness. However, this is much less annoying than cyclic jerks. In critical cases two parameters can be adjusted to optimize frame blending:

When experimenting with the parameters it may be helpful to pitch the video down to lower frame rates as this makes changes stand out more clearly. See also Video object properties.

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Color management for images and videos

The Render Engine automatically performs color management. The color profiles of image files in JPEG and TIF format are read and their image data converted to the monitor’s or projector’s color space, provided an ICC profile for these devices is available.

What is new is the color management for videos which are normally available as BT.601 (DVD, etc.) and BT.709 (HD videos). Following the introduction of 4K and UHD, new and larger color spaces, such as DCI-P3 or BT.2020 have become established. Therefore, it is most useful for Wings Vioso RX to be able to convert videos with extended color spaces to the target color spaces of the playback devices and ensure correct display. For such a conversion it is however necessary that the source color space in the head of the video file can be read and that an ICC profile describing the playback device’s color space is enabled. If no ICC profile is available for the playback unit the Render Engine’s output is in sRGB/BT.709. See also Color management.

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Offline objects

Offline objects are used for preparing shows without the actual contents being available. I.e. if the media designer is still working on the media contents you can already start programming the show. However, it makes sense to previously define the media key parameters, such as image size, frame rate and length.

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Vioso calibration

The calibration of the projection is currently done via a separate VIOSO calibrator which can be opened in the main menu under Programs - VIOSO calibrator. In principle calibration is similar to a camera-based calibration. However, you need to export the completed calibration and import it again as follows:

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Special triggers

Category Render Engine offers the following triggers:

More detailed information on the use of triggers can be found in topic Trigger functions.

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Render Engine Log Information

The Render Engine is a separate 64-bit application which also records log information. This information can be displayed in two different ways:

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Render Engine Media Folders

The Render Engine saves the necessary media files by default to the local folder:


If you want to change the path of the RX Cache folder, e.g. because drive D: does not exist, you can currently only do so via file user_settings.lua which can also be found in folder C:\ProgramData\AV Stumpfl\Wings RX. This file can be edited using a text editor.

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Hiding/unhiding status information and performance control on render displays

It is possible unhide/hide moving green bars and status information on the render displays by hitting Ctrl + 9 (key on the number pad). These green bars allow syncing problems, such as tearing to be identified very nicely. When Nvidia Quadro graphics cards are used the EDID for all display outputs must be identical. Otherwise hardware synchronization does not work correctly.

Note: If the text appears in red and bars and info cannot be hidden, not license for Wings Vioso RX is available. See also Licenses and Functions.

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Functions not yet implemented

Unfortunately, there are still a number of functions in Wings Vioso RX that have not yet implemented. We are making every effort to add the missing functions as quickly as possible in the course of further software development. The list of functions not yet implemented below makes no claim to completeness.


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