Picture-in-picture effects

With a picture-in-picture effect, also called insert, a smaller picture is positioned in front of or above a larger background picture. The following picture-in-picture effects can be implemented via the keyframe control and via screen fields:


Insert with screen field clipping

In this case the location of the insert is static whereas size and position of the image can change, i.e. this corresponds to a camera movement within an insert.

    1. First of all, add a new screen field. In the Media Pool click on the plus sign next to category Screens and highlight the corresponding screen below it for the contents to be shown.

    2. Right-click the corresponding screen and select Add field. Following this, a new screen field is created.

    3. Link the new screen field for the insert with the corresponding tracks by right-clicking a track head, selecting Properties and specifying the new screen field under Field. See also Picture tracks and video tracks.

    4. Usually, the screen field for the insert is created at the same size as the screen. In column Aspect ratio enter the format for the insert, e.g. enter 4/3 for 4 : 3. After confirming with Enter quotient 1.33 will be displayed.

    1. Now enter the size of the insert screen field. Open the screen window and move the Locator to a position where an image or a video is to be output on the screen field to be adjusted. Important: The object whose picture is displayed on the screen for adjustment purposes must not have a control track for size, position and rotation!

    2. In the Media Pool right-click the previously defined screen field and select Position + Size and a dialog will appear.

    3. In this dialog reduce the screen field for the insert, which is displayed by a pink frame, to the desired size. To do so, grab one of the small squares in the corners with the mouse and drag it. Grabbing the square in the centre allows shifting of the whole screen field. As an alternative, you can also enter numerical values. The modifications will immediately become visible in the screen window. Finish by clicking on OK.

    4. Right-click the object to be displayed as insert and select Properties.

    5. There is only one option for screen field clipping, which can be enabled by placing a checkmark next to them::

    6. Enable screen field clipping combined with Lock clip area  ...the insert is not modified; the parameters affect the image only.

    1. After making the corresponding settings, close all dialogs by clicking OK.