Arranging several screen fields in a matrix

This function requires the Advance License or higher. See also Licenses and functions.

If you want to show several images or videos as “picture-in-picture” effect in a mosaic form you can arrange screen fields in a matrix and at the same time have the corresponding tracks created automatically.

    1. In the Media Pool click on category Screens.

    2. In the right-hand Media Pool section right-click the required screen and select Add screen fields....

    3. In the dialog next to Screen fields enter the number of screen fields that are to be created horizontally and vertically, e.g. 3 x 3.

    4. For Border a value of 0 x 0 % is set by default, i.e. the screen fields are located immediately next to each other. If the screen fields are to be located at a distance enter a percentage value at Border for Horizontal and Vertical. The percentage refers to the screen size. If the screen fields are to be located at a uniform distance check box Uniform horizontal/vertical border. In such a case you only need to enter the horizontal value.

    5. Normally, a circumferential border is also added. If you don’t want this and want the new screen fields to touch the outer edge of the screen you need to enable Without outer circumferential border.

    6. Under Object size when inserting you can define the way the image or video is to be displayed in the screen field:

    7. Fit in screen field ... the picture or video is fully visible in the screen field. If the aspect ratio of image/video differs from that of the screen field there will be transparent areas on the left and right or top and bottom side.

    8. Fill screen field  ...the picture or video is enlarged to such an extent that it fills the screen field entirely. For this purpose a corresponding control track is automatically created for the object. In such a case it may be useful to enable Screen field clipping so that the projecting parts of the image are cut off and display is limited to the screen field. See also Insert with screen field clipping.

    9. Keep original size a special option. It causes native display of pictures and videos, i.e. 100% pixel accurate. The currently set screen output size serves as a reference. See also Screen Field Properties and Screen Properties.

    1. At Base name enter only a short name. This name will later be supplemented by line and column information, i.e. it will later look as follows: Name 1-2.

    2. It is useful to have the tracks for images and videos created automatically for every screen field. For this purpose check the corresponding box at Options for current timeline.

    3. Click OK to have the screen fields and, if applicable, the tracks created.


    Depending on the number of screen fields and border widths the created screen fields may not correspond to the media in their aspect ratio. If the screen fields are to be filled completely you need to Enable screen field clipping in the Object Properties and click Lock clip area and enlarge the images correspondingly. This can be done by pressing Ctrl + Alt when placing the media in the timeline.

    See also

    "Picture-in-picture" effects

    In-Screen Editing