Screen field properties

Screen fields are used for output of pictures and videos. When creating DVD/CD menus, they can also stand for buttons for menu operation. How to open the Screen Field Properties:

  1. In the Media Pool click on the plus sign in front of category Screens and select the corresponding screen following which the screen fields will appear on the right.

  2. Right-click the corresponding screen field and select Properties. This dialog allows the following settings:

Aspect ratio

Under Aspect ratio you can choose whether the aspect ratio of pictures or videos is to correspond to the pixel values or whether they are to be stretched to screen field size. Note: Distortion correction of videos is normally effected by entering the correct aspect ratio. See Video Properties.

Object size when inserting

Here you can define the way the picture is to be displayed in the screen field. All these options do not cause any distortion of picture or video.

See also

Adding a screen field

Adjusting screen field size and position

Displaying screen field frames