Adjusting screen field size and position

In addition to direct entry of size and position in the Media Pool  these parameters can also very conveniently be entered graphically.

    1. Open the screen window and move the Locator to a position where an image or a video is to be output on the screen field to be adjusted.

    For the adjustment to become visible on the screen the track must be linked up with the screen field you want to change. Additionally, the box next to Keyframes relative to screen field must be checked.

    1. In the Media Pool click on the plus sign in front of category Screens and select the corresponding screen following which the screen fields will appear on the right.

    2. Right-click the required screen field, select Position + Size and a dialog will appear.

    3. Now change the screen field as desired, which is displayed by a pink frame. Grab one of the small squares in the corners with the mouse and drag it. Grabbing the square in the centre allows you to shift the whole screen field. As an alternative, you can also enter numerical values. The modifications will immediately become visible in the screen window.

    4. Finally, click on OK.


    See also

    Adding a screen field

    Displaying screen field frames