Guide lines in the screen

You can add individual guide lines or guide line grids and align objects with them. Moreover, an arrangement of several guide lines can also be saved as a preset and be used again at any time later on.

Two aspects are covered in this topic:

Creating and using guide lines

Presets for guide lines


Creating and using guide lines

  1. Right-click the location in the screen where the guide line is to appear and select Add guide lines.

  2. In the dialog enter information about which guide lines are to be added:

  3. Single guide line  ...check box Vertical or Horizontal. For position the click location has been entered. If you want the guide line to be somewhere else, enter the location as a percentage or in pixels.

  4. Guide line grid ...check box Vertical and/or Horizontal and enter the grid spacing as a percentage or in pixels. For unsymmetrical grids in the screen enter an offset value.

  1. Finally, click OK to add the guide lines.

Presets for guide lines

You can save your guide lines as presets and use them for various layouts at any time later on.


You can also add guide lines in the timeline at markers if you click the right button in the track head of a marker track. See also Marker.