
Click on  Options in the function bar below the main menu and select Project Options - Pictures on the left. Here you can make various settings for your project:


The thumbnails should not be excessively large, as they are also used for the objects in the timeline. During playback all visible images on one timeline page need to be loaded at once when changing over to the next page. This could slow down the computer and cause the presentation to become jerky if the thumbnails are too big.

The settings for the lightbox size are not saved along with the project but are global settings!

Aspect ratio for light box dissolves

This is the place to influence test dissolve displays on the light box, which are displayed in the timeline window.

Settings for new objects

Here you can specify whether Screen field clipping is to be enabled for new picture objects.

See also "Picture-in-picture" effects


See also

Sorting on the lightbox

Other Options