Display data

Click on Options in the tool bar below the main menu and, on the left, select Project Options - Display data. Here you can make a few settings for automatic display data creation:


By clicking in the selection box you can choose, whether display data are to be created for all pictures in the Media Pool or only for the pictures used in the timeline.


By clicking   in the selection box you can choose, when display data or intermediate display data are to be created for videos. The following options are available:

Additionally, the following options are available:


Folder for display and intermediate data (global setting)

Here you can enter a central folder for storing all future display and intermediate video data.

A central folder has the advantage that all display data are stored in one location only instead of in the corresponding media folders. However, there are certain risks connected to this:

This is how you enable a central folder for display and intermediate video data:


See also

The concept for screen display

Creating display data for media files

Optimizing display data for pictures

...Other options