The concept for screen display

Wings Vioso RX is based on a highly differentiated concept for representation of visual media. Depending on working situation and available computer hardware representation of pictures can be based on full or reduced resolution of displays or video projectors.

Modern computers usually allow editing and presentation of standard shows at full screen resolution. The necessary media files for very complex shows and multidisplay shows, however, may be so large that even modern computers can not always guarantee swift editing. So as to make even such shows editable, we have come up with a comprehensive system for display data management which creates additional file versions for output, so-called display data, and saves them to hard disk. These files can also include image editing steps, i.e. sharpening of pictures after scaling. This means that originals at any size and HD videos up to a resolution of 4 K can directly be edited via Wings Vioso RX because the display data and the corresponding properties for output are automatically created in the background. All you need to do is define the general set-up, which is actually done by configuring a project via the Wizards, but it is still possible to change the settings manually at a later time.

The following display data are created by Wings Vioso RX:




How does display data management work?

As mentioned above, even during the creation of a standard show the pictures can be edited at full screen resolution (based on the high-resolution display data) and the videos be edited on the basis of display data and presented on the basis of the original. When a high number of videos is to be presented simultaneously and the computer can no longer cope with this situation, playback can be based on low-resolution display data. Change-over to low-resolution display data is possible for every track independently.  In such a case, a high-resolution mix-down video must be produced for presentation purposes.

To display of pictures, the display data are loaded into the graphics card memory where the image mix is processed. If sections of pictures are to be shown only, the graphics card is only supplied with the necessary portions of the picture, which saves graphics memory and computer processing power. Multidisplay shows require particularly large display data so that it would definitely be unwise to load the whole picture into the memory although only a fraction of it is required for the corresponding client computer. The progressive display data management in Wings Vioso RX offers distinctive advantages as it allows pictures to be presented on a correspondingly high number of clients at virtually any resolution.

To ensure optimum performance and highest quality the display data can be optimized for a particular object and a certain application after completing the show. After all, some pictures may only be used at a small size as an insert, whereas some pictures may need to be enlarged for a camera movement. In optimizing display data, the picture size is adjusted to the size required for the corresponding picture programming, which prevents a loss of sharpness due to unnecessarily strong scaling and saves graphics memory on top of all that.

See also

Creating display data for media files

Optimizing display data for pictures