Creating display data for media files

You don't normally have to worry about creating display data for media contents. They are created automatically in the background when a media file is added to the timeline or when the project is loaded.

Here are some facts about display data creation you should be aware of:

This list shows all the tasks of media data to be processed. In the illustration above you can see that display data need to be created for another 216 images and some videos or audio files. Creation of images has top priority. Scrolling in the timeline may increase the number of images as other media become visible. For video and audio files the green bar indicates the progress of the task in question.

The clock symbol signalizes that a task is waiting. The letter behind the video file suffix signifies the type of tasks: Q means Quick Preview, P means Preview. They are always processed in accordance with their priority. Click  to delete the task. Click  to move the task to the top position where it is the first to be processed. Click  to move the task to the end of the list. Further functions are available via the context menu. See Task list.


The concept of display data for pictures

Optimizing display data for pictures

Deleting display data