Usually, the task list can be found at the bottom right of the program window after clicking on tab Tasks. It lists all the tasks processed one after the other in the background and their corresponding statuses.
The first column shows you whether a task is currently being processed , whether processing is paused
or whether a task is waiting for processing
Click to delete the task. Click
to move the task to the top of the list where it becomes the next to be processed. Click
to move the task to the end of the list.
Right-clicking the task list allows further functions to be selected:
Pause ...pauses processing of all tasks. Restart processing by clicking this function again.
Maximum performance ...this type of processing burdens the processor to a higher extent, i.e. dual core and quad core processors without hyper-threading make use of all available processor cores. Please note that this does no longer allow parallel tasking. However, processor with more than four cores or quad cores with hyper-threading in such a case allow 75 percent of the threads to be used, i.e. parallel tasking is still possible.
Click this function again to disable mode Maximum performance again.
Remove waiting tasks ...removes all tasks in waiting position which are marked by .
Remove all tasks ...removes all tasks from the list.
See also
Creating display data for media files
Optimization through Intermediate Video Data