Optimizing display data for picture and text objects

The display data for picture and text objects can be optimized for the corresponding application. If a picture in a show is downsized to 30 %, the display data are too large for the presentation and waste a lot of computer and graphics cards resources. Moreover, the high degree of scaling has an adverse effect on the quality. On the other hand, a zoom-in-effect on the picture may result in the resolution of the display data being insufficient for a crisp display on the screen. All this is automatically considered in the picture size optimization for the display data. Optimization, therefore, improves quality and performance.

The optimization of picture and text display data as explained in this topic is not relevant for presentations via Wings Vioso RX and its Render Engine. However, it does have relevance for output of video files and picture sequences. See also Output of media.

This is how all the image display data for a show can be optimized:

    1. In the main menu, click Media Pool and Optimize display data for a dialog to pop up.

    2. If you add a checkmark next to Enable for all pictures, even those picture objects are considered for which the optimization of picture size is disabled in the Object Properties.

    3. Placing a checkmark next to Enable for all text objects causes even those text objects to be considered for which texture optimization has been disabled in the Properties Table. See also Text Object Properties.

    4. If you select All timelines instead of the currently used timeline, the picture objects of all timelines are considered.

    5. When box Create display data afterwards is checked, display data are created immediately afterwards.

    1. Now click on Start to create the optimized display data. Following this, Wings Platinum determines the required size of display data which are then created in the background. The progress of this can be followed on tab Tasks in the right corner of the program window.

    If you want to continue and present immediately afterwards, you should wait for display data creation to be completed to avoid display data creation during the presentation. This is particularly important in combination with complex shows. See Creating display data for media files.

    See also

    Picture Object Properties

    The concept of display data for pictures

    Creating display data for media files