Adding existing media files

Before you can actually use media files, such as pictures, videos or sound for a show, they need to be imported in the Media Pool. If the media files are already available on your hard disk use one of the methods explained below. To create new media files, click here.

1. Via Drag & Drop

    1. Select the media you want to import from categories Audio, Pictures or Video in the left Media Pool section. Optionally, you can also create a folder in the corresponding category (.... by right-clicking a category).

    2. In the Windows Explorer, open the folder on the hard disk which contains your media files. The following options are now available:

    3. You can drag and drop individual files or a number ofiles into the right Media Pool section following which they are saved to the previously selected Media Pool folder. Note: Individual media files can also be dragged and dropped directly in the timeline or on an existing object.

    4. You can drag and drop entire folders containing various media in the right Media Pool section following which the media are moved to the selected folder or directly to the corresponding category, i.e. in the root folder. This will only work if you have previously chosen one of the media categories Audio, Bilder or Video or a subfolder in a certain category.

    5. Folder structures on your hard disk can be transferred to the Media Pool by highlighting the folders in Windows Explorer and dragging and dropping them onto the corresponding category or a subfolder of that category. The folders are created in the Media Pool and the media imported to the corresponding category. Media that do not belong to the corresponding category are not considered and must be imported separately to the correct category.

    However, it is also possible to move media into other folders at a later time. See Using folders.

    2. Via the File Dialog

      1. In the Media Pool, highlight a folder in the corresponding category (....create a new folder by right-clicking a category)

      2. Right-click in the right Media Pool section and select  Add.

      3. In the file dialog select one or several files and click Open. Following this the selected files will be displayed in the Media Pool.

      Note: Due to a Windows bug the number of files that can be added via this method is restricted (...dependent on the path length).

      The folders in the Project Explorer are not created on your hard disk, but they are only used to provide a system for your files within Wings Vioso RX! No files are saved in the Media Pool, but only the "locations" where media files can be found on the hard disk.  If such a file was deleted or moved to a different location, Wings Vioso RX can no longer find it and claims that it is missing.

      What would you like to do next?

      ...Creating new media files

      ...Placing objects in the timeline

      ...Editing objects