Sound effects

Wings Vioso RX Pro Licenses and up feature a so-called DirectX-interface which allows you to incorporate all sorts of sound effects in your shows. These DirectX sound effects (PlugIns) permit extensive digital manipulations of your sound track. Sound effects are in fact "software plug-ins" (as the name suggests), which are applied to the audio signal path. This is why we tend to use the word "PlugIn" more than "Sound effect" in this documentation. 17 DirectX PlugIns are included, but, of course, you can also use any other compatible PlugIns by other producers in the music sector. See PlugIns from other manufacturers.

At the moment Sound PlugIns can only be used for a certain track. At a later time, there will also be Effect Objects to be placed on an effect track.

...See also

General remarks on effects

Available Stumpfl PlugIns

Effect Manager

Effect Presets

Information on the individual PlugIns is available by pressing key F1 when the corresponding dialog for setting this particular PlugIn is active.