What PlugIns are useful?

On the Internet you will find all sorts of information on PlugIns for sound editing. PlugIns are available in a variety of different qualities, with the high-quality ones being usually offered by reputable companies. However, there are also some good PlugIns which are available as freeware. Some recommandations are listed further below. Try downloading and testing the Demo License of costly PlugIn collections before you buy them. You should be sure that the quality, the documentation and the functions of the PlugIn meet your requirements.

For Wings Vioso RX you need 32-bit PlugIns for the VST-interface. This is a widely used standard developed by Steinberg. DirectX PlugIns are still supported by this version of Wings Vioso RX, but we advise against buying DirectX PlugIns since they are going to be phased out in the long run. In addition to this, VST and DirectX PlugIns cannot be used in parallel in Wings Vioso RX.

If you download PlugIns from the Internet you should use a test project for testing. Unfortunately, there are some PlugIns that make Wings Vioso RX crash without warning. Please understand that we cannot offer any support for PlugIns by other suppliers.

Useful PlugIns

Further below you will find some brief information about important sound PlugIns and reference to some freeware PlugIns which may also be useful. Compared to the PlugIns available from reputable companies you may have to compromise in terms of sound and operation. Freeware PlugIns are also often reduced versions of full and paid-for PlugIn versions. Those who take sound editing seriously, should acquire some good PlugIns or a bundle - it's worth it.


An analyzer does not change the sound but only the spectral distribution of frequencies. It is more or less a level display with a great number of bars showing the levels for certain frequency ranges. An analyzer helps you to find out if a signal has a high bass or treble portion or the frequency of a spurious sound.

http://www.bluecataudio.com - Here you can find a very nice spectrum analyzer.


A de-esser is used for reducing excess sibilants in recordings of the human voice. Essentially, is a compressor which takes effect on a certain, adjustable frequency range.


http://www.digitalfishphones.com - This is a simple, easy to operation de-esser. It is installed along with Wings Vioso RX.


A Delay allows a variety of effects based on delay or reflection of the signal (e.g. echo).


http://www.kjaerhusaudio.com - Delay that looks like a hardware unit

http://www.reaper.fm - Delay with a clearly structured dialog (component of ReaPlugs VST FX Suite)


Equalizers amplify or attenuate certain frequencies of a signal. Parametric equalizer usually make do with few controls as their effect can be adjusted very accurately. Graphic equalizers have a great number of controls which control a certain frequency range each.


http://www.aixcoustic.com  - Parametric EQ which is installed along with Wings Vioso RX. Compared to the full version it is clearly limited and lacks a number of interesting filters/algorithms of the full version.

http://www.reaper.fm - Flexible parametric EQ (component of ReaPlugs VST FX Suite).


The expander reduces the volume below a variable threshold. The lower the volume the stronger is the reduction. Above the threshold the expander is not active. It can be used for speech recordings to reduce background noise in the non-speech intervals.


http://www.digitalfishphones.com - Expander combined with Gate


In its function the (noise) gate is similar to the expander. The gate reduces the volume below a variable threshold. This effect is frequently used for muting an audio track without actual audio signal.

http://www.reaper.fm -  Flexibly adjustable gate (component of ReaPlugs VST FX Suite)

http://www.digitalfishphones.com - Gate combined with Expander


A compressor increases the loudness of a recording. Soft signal portions will be much better audible as the dynamics are reduced. A compressor reduces the volume above a variable threshold. The higher the volume the stronger is the reduction. Below the threshold the compressor is not active. What is compressed is the dynamic behavior of the audio signal. As the compressor attenuates the signal it should also contain an additional signal amplifier (output control).


http://www.digitalfishphones.com - Compressor with rotary controls. It is installed along with Wings Vioso RX

http://www.gvst.co.uk/gcomp.htm, Compressor with limiter. It has a good interface for compression visualization. Take the Grymmjack Skin version; it is more clearly structured.

http://www.kjaerhusaudio.com - Compressor that looks like a hardware unit

http://www.reaper.fm -  Various compressors, also multi-band (component of ReaPlugs VST FX Suite)


http://www.x-buz.com, compressor series, also multi-band (1 - 5 bands), limiter, expander


A Reverb PlugIn allows you to add a reverberation to a signal to give the impression the recording was made in a certain room, e.g. a church. They are distinguished between PlugIns that add artificially produced reverberation and PlugIns that use impulse response of real physical space. The latter require more performance but sound more natural.


http://www.kjaerhusaudio.com - Reverb that looks like a hardware unit

http://www.knufinke.de  - Reverb SIR1 based on impulse response. SIR1 and two impulse responses are installed along with Wings Vioso RX. When you try out this PlugIn do not forget to load the impulse responses beforehand. They are located in the PlugIn folder. The website also offers the advanced full version SIR2 containing a lot of extensions and numerous impulse responses in a low-cost bundle.

http://www.noisevault.com - Impulse responses of various rooms for reverbs such as SIR1 and SIR2.


A stereo expander enables you to change the stereo characteristics of a stereo signal for stereo recordings and to shift the center channel within the stereo panorama. Most suitable for this effect are recordings with intensity coding (XY or MS). For recordings with phase coding (AB) some undesirable effects, such as losses may occur.

http://www.fluxhome.com has a very good stereo tool with phase correlation meter. Flux offers very good professional PlugIns with a great interface, that are available individually and cheaply in bundles.

Transient processor

http://www.fluxhome.com - ...not documented yet. Flux offers a number of good PlugIns with a great interface that are available either individually or in various budget-priced bundles.