Using Effect Presets

If you want to reuse settings that you have found suitable, it is advisable to save them as Presets (presettings) so that they are available for all shows.

Every PlugIn has a separate Preset page for this purpose. This is the last tab (on the very right) on the PlugIn user interface. When such a Preset page is selected for the first time it does not contain any entries.

What would you like to do?

Using fixed ROM Presets

Creating individual Presets

Activating Presets

Modifying,  renaming  or  removing Presets.

Information on the individual PlugIns is available by pressing key F1 while the particular settings dialog for this PlugIn is open and active.

Creating individual Presets

    1. Open the corresponding Effect dialog by double-clicking the PlugIn entry in the Effect Manager and adjust the sound parameters as required.

    2. Following this, click on tab Presets.

    3. Enter a new and possibly meaningful name. Click on button Add. The Preset has now been saved and appears in the Preset list.

    Activating Presets

      1. Open the corresponding Effect dialog by double-clicking the PlugIn entry in the Effect Manager and click tab Presets.

      2. Click and select the required Preset so that is highlighted in blue. Now click on Activate. The Preset is activated and the name is displayed in the text field above the Preset list.

      3. As an alternative, you can also activate a Preset by clicking and selecting the required preset in the Effect Manager.


      Modifying Presets

      If you want to modify a previously defined Preset you proceed as follows:

        1. Open the Effect dialog and activate the required Preset.

        2. Change the PlugIn settings in the Effect dialog as desired. Once you are satisfied with the settings, change over to the PlugIn Preset page and click button Overwrite.

        3. After confirming the warning message the Preset is available with its new settings.


        Renaming Presets

          1. In order to rename an existing Preset , select this Preset in the Preset list. Now click on button Rename. In the pop-up dialog enter a new name for this Preset.

          2. Confirm with OK and the Preset will appear under its new name in the Preset list.


          Deleting Presets

            1. In order to delete an existing Preset , select this Preset in the Preset list. Now click on button Delete. A warning message will appear.

            2. Confirm with "Yes" and the Preset is definitely deleted.


            Using fixed ROM Presets

            Many PlugIns contain a number of useful Presets programmed by the producer. When a PlugIn has got such internal Presets, button ROM Presets is displayed on the Preset page. "ROM" stands for "Read Only Memory". This means that these Presets can only be read but not overwritten.

              1. Open the corresponding Effect dialog by double-clicking the PlugIn entry in the Effect Manager and click tab Presets.

              2. Now click on button ROM Presets . After doing so, the internal Presets will be available in the Preset list in addition to any existing Presets.

              3. In order to distinguish internal Presets from your individual Presets, their name always starts with (ROM0), (ROM1), etc. These Presets can be activated just like your individual Presets.

              If you want to change such a ROM Preset you should rename it. This is because after clicking button ROM Presets the next time, all Presets with the same name are once again replaced/overwritten by the internal PlugIn Presets.

              ...See also Effects in general