Effect Manager for DirectX PlugIns

The Wings Vioso RX Pro Licenses and higher feature a so-called DirectX-interface which allows you to add all sorts of sound effects to the soundtrack of your show. The Effect Manager is used for managing and using track-selective sound PlugIns, i.e. they always take effect on all objects on one track. 16 DirectX PlugIns are included, but, of course, you can also use any other compatible PlugIns by other producers in the music sector.

Please note that the explanations in this topic apply to DirectX PlugIns only. Usage of more up-to-date VST PlugIns is explained here.

What would you like to do next?

Finding out about available Stumpfl PlugIns

Selecting and opening PlugIns

Activating/deactivating PlugIns

Changing the order of PlugIns

Removing PlugIns

Producing and applying effect presets


Selecting and opening PlugIns

    1. Before you can use DirectX PlugIns you need to enable the port. Click on Options in the tool bar below the main menu and select Project Options - Output on the left. For Audio Effects select entry DirectX (= Wings Platinum 3) and close the Options Dialog. Please note that usage of VST PlugIns will no longer be possible for this project.

    2. Open the Effect Manager by clicking the Effect key in the head of the corresponding audio track.

    3. In the field PlugIns right-click an empty entry field and select the required PlugIn. When calling up a PlugIns for the first time, it may take some time for the context menu including all PlugIns to be displayed.

    4. Now you can see the settings dialog of the corresponding effect. Most of the effect settings can be adjusted while playing back to make the result immediately audible.  Information on the individual PlugIns is available by pressing key F1 with the particular settings dialog for this PlugIn being open and active.

    5. Once an effect has already been selected and is visible in field PlugIns, the settings dialog can be opened or activated at any time by double-clicking the effect entry. In the bottom section of the Effect Manager you can find keys for opening or closing all effects in one go.

    6. Use the tabs in the Effect Manager to switch over to the effects contained in other sound tracks.


    Activating/deactivating PlugIns


    Changing the order of PlugIns

    For every sound track you can use up to 20 PlugIns simultaneously. All the PlugIns are applied to the audio signal in the order they are listed. But you can also change this order:


    Removing PlugIns