Using PlugIns

These functions require the Pro License or higher. See Licenses and functions.

Preparatory steps

In order to use PlugIns, VST PlugIns need to be installed on your computer. Some freeware PlugIns have already been installed in the course of the Wings Vioso RX installation. But you should definitely install more. Suggestions are available in topic What PlugIns are useful?

If there is no installation routine copy and paste the PlugIn files with the file extension *.dll to the system folder for VST PlugIns, e.g. ...Programs\Steinberg/VstPlugins or ...Programs\VST PlugIns (this varies from computer to computer). This system folder for VST PlugIns must be specified in the Options. See Options - Project Options - Audio.

See also

What PlugIns are necessary?


Activating PlugIns

The PlugIns in Wings Vioso RX affect a particular track, i.e. all the assigned effects affect the audio objects on one particular track.

    1. In the track head click and Properties Table tab VST PlugIns will be shown.

    2. At the top click -- No effect -- and to select the required effect from the context menu. Following this, the Settings Dialog for the PlugIn will open up. The PlugIn will then be listed in the table and entry 2 2 signalizes that it has two inputs and 2 outputs, i.e. it is suitable for stereo. In the table further below you will find more information on the PlugIn.

    3. You can now make the necessary settings, even during playback. The table allows you to activate several PlugIns, which take effect one after the other from top to bottom along the signal path. For VST PlugIns the Properties Table offers the following functions:

    1. The settings for the PlugIn are automatically saved in the project.