Central Logging Service for Avio devices

Logging Service allows central recording of the log information of all Avio devices in the network.

This topic provides information on the following steps:


Enabling the Logging Service

    1. Click the Avio Services icon and select Settings following which dialog Free Functional Groups will appear.

    2. Enable Logging Service which is indicated by the slider turning yellow.  Finish by clicking Apply Changes.

    3. Now click on the Avio Service icon again and select Configure Logging Service (enabled), following which the corresponding dialog with the same name will appear. Here you can make the following settings:

    To start with, the log information is saved to the current CSV file. New files are created automatically until the storage limit for log information has been exceeded. In such a case the oldest log file is deleted if archiving is disabled. If archiving is enabled the oldest log file is compressed (zipped) and saved to the archive folder.

    The next step is to make the Avio devices send the log information.


    Configuration of the log info transmission for Avio devices

    Sending the log information of the various Avio devices to the Avio Service for recording requires the following steps:

      1. Open the web interface of the corresponding Avio device by right-clicking the corresponding Avio node in Avio Manager and select Open in Web browser.

      2. Click Settings on the left and Logging on the right. At Logging Level you select which information is to be sent:

      1. For IP enter the IP address of the PC whose Avio Service is to log the information.

      2. Click Save to save the settings.


      At IP address you can also select if the log information is to be saved in the Avio device, too.

      You can enable both types of logging.


      Access to and filtering of logging information

      The log information of all the devices sending such information is saved centrally to a log file. This information can be accessed as follows:

        1. On the PC recording the log information click the Avio Services icon and select Logging... , following which dialog Logging opens in the browser.

        2. At SHOW ME you can click and select FATAL, ERROR, WARNING thereby defining the type of log info you want to see.

        3. Further filters are also available which allow you to limit the number of log entries:

        1. After selecting the filter you need to click Apply Filter for the filter to become effective.

        2. At the end of the list you will find button Clear which helps you clear all entries on the list.


        See also

        Displaying Wings Vioso log information

        Displaying RX Render Engine log information

        Sending e-mails via Avio