Sending e-mails via Avio

You can send out e-mails via the Avio system and an SMTP server, e.g. in order to send out information on critical system conditions.


    1. Click the Avio Services icon and select Settings following which dialog Free Functional Groups will appear.

    2. Enable Logging Service which is indicated by the slider turning yellow.  Finish by clicking Apply Changes.

    3. Now click on the Avio Service icon again and select Configure E-Mail (enabled) following which the corresponding dialog with the same name will appear. Here you need to make the following entries:

    1. Click OK to close the dialog.

    2. When you start Avio Manager you will find port Mail (Sender’s name) under Avio Service. When channel SendMail is set to 1 the mail is sent to the recipient containing information from channels Subject and Content.


    Please note that this E-Mail Module can only send emails but not receive any.