Format filling display of images and videos

If the aspect ratio of images and videos does not correspond with the screen aspect ratio the images and videos, after dropping them into the timeline, are displayed in a way which allows the image to be fully visible without any distortions but with black borders around it to fill the screen. Format-filling and undistorted display is only possible after enlarging image or video to such an extent that the black borders disappear. This can be achieved via In-Screen Editing, but there is also an easier way:


If you know that most of the images do not correspond with the screen's aspect ratio you can save the effort of pressing both keys for every image by linking up the picture or video track with the screen field Fill.

    1. In the Media Pool click the plus sign next to category Screens and select Screen 1 below it following which screen fields Standard and Fill are displayed on the right.

    2. Grab screen field Fill at its icon and drag and drop it into the required picture or video track. Following this the name of the new screen field is displayed in the track head. Repeat this step for all tracks that you want format-filling display for.

    3. All images and videos that you drop into these tracks will appear in a format-filling manner.